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Au lycée Descartes aussi, les élèves ont participé à cette « grande lessive » !
Les photos ont été prises par les participants au voyage scolaire en Irlande (mars 2019) : les 52 élèves en 1e section européenne, les 4 professeurs et le chauffeur du car.
Les critiques de l’exposition ont été écrites en anglais par des élèves de la 2e1.

I saw an exhibition in the lycée Descartes. There are many pictures hung on 2 strings. They are about the trip in Ireland of the European Section students in year 11. They were accompanied by teachers and stayed there a week. It was Saint Patrick’s Day, an important event in Ireland. They took many pictures which were exhibited in the school lobby. Some are funny. There are monuments, restaurants, landscapes, or groups taken in pictures.
Laura T.
I saw the pictures in the hall of the school. We can see different places and faces. Some pictures are funny and others are beautiful. I like the fact that it’s exhibited in the hall. Everyone can see the exhibition without moving to other rooms or other buildings. We saw it was a very good trip.
Evan M
I saw a good exhibition in Descartes High School. We can see many pictures of Ireland. These pictures represent the trip of the students. The pictures are varied as we can see the city, the streets, and the students. During this trip, it was Saint Patrick’s Day, consequently everybody was dressed with green so it’s very funny. People are smiling and look happy. Looking at this exhibition, we also want to go to Ireland.
Ireland seems to be great! In every picture, we can see green and obviously many people that are smiling! The Irish community looks amazing and funny! I think my favorite picture is the orange, green and white wig. It is simple and defines Ireland: fun, cool, simple…
This exhibition was so good! It’s very interesting because in the pictures we can see an Irish adventure and when I see these pictures, I feel the emotions of the photographers. So I really like this exhibition and it makes me discover another country without leaving France. Thank you!!
For me, this exhibition on Ireland was great and I really liked it. Indeed, it permitted students who hadn’t gone to Ireland to learn more about the others who went there. Moreover, I think that was very interesting to make an exhibition in our 6th Form college hall because all the students could see it before going to class. Furthermore in the different photographs, we can see students who are smiling, we can also see beautiful landscapes, so we feel the happiness which the students felt during the trip.
I enjoyed the exhibition because it was organized in a way which wasn’t like in other exhibitions. I liked how it was tied with clothes pins. Besides, the pictures with the landscapes were really beautiful.
Laura S.
Coordinatrices : Catherine Dufays & Christelle Hamard